I'm not so 'anal' about my clients needing to wear a mask now... if there's some reason you can't use one... no worries, but I surely will be wearing mine because our work together takes place in very close contact...
There are face masks available if you've forgotten yours...
Probiotic hand-cleaner is also available...
I endeavour to maintain a bias and judgement-free environment supportive of our mutual health....
My work is apolitical and directed towards heart-guided well-being...
When you come, you'll feel safe in my space, I promise....
Does our CerebroSpinal Fluid Give us Being?
Yes, of course! what we are doing as we work together is 'clearing out what's in the way' of the fluid and balanced flow of our CranioSacral System - where the CerebroSpinal Fluid flows...
Dr Mauro Zappatera, Harvard PhD., MD ( https://www.holdingspace.com/ ) shares how our 'Beingness' resides in our CerebroSpinal Fluid... ie in the CranioSacral System, in the following video....
My clients seem to find me after they have tried almost everything else. Many express that they've given up hope; that their problems are unsolvable and that they are too 'broken' to fix...be it at the physical, mental, emotional and/or spiritual level...
Our Soul/Being can only get our attention through our emotions and our body 'talk'... be it physical, mental, emotional or spiritual angst and/or dis-ease...
I liken our work together as clearing what's in the 'way of being who we really are'...
....AND, I don't stop at only doing hand's-on work in my sessions...during the sessions, I 'hear and share', if the client chooses, what their Inner Beings need to express... I call it Soul-speak....
The information that comes always includes tools and resources that I send afterwards to help support the changes that are unfolding in our sessions.
I believe and am able to watch the strengths and resilience of my clients emerge as we 'clear out what's in the way of them being who they really are....an 'Untethered Soul'...
My greatest joy is witnessing my client's coming 'into their own'... the pain and struggles of life become easier to navigate...their Heart/Soul guided choices begin to unfold as their masks fall off....