**The following information may  offer a helpful perspective for you to understand aspects of my work – included under my ‘umbrella of Advanced CranioSacral Therapy’ **

Every session with me is an 'unknown revelation' that my client's Inner Being guides me to 'know and share' - should any of the following 'reasons' for imbalance and illness arise, I am fully-trained and able to support the 'clearing' of same using my Shamanic Skills; Ancient  Chinese 5 Element Ancestral Clearings - Go to page Remote/Ancestral Clearing - Healing Inherited Trauma ; Spiritual Deprogramming and more...

*Shamanic Perspective – 5 Types of Imbalance – a Guide to Illness from a Shamanic Perspective

Being human means we suffer (yes, I took that little gem from the Buddhists). Our bodies are susceptible to injury and illness, and our minds struggle with emotional difficulties, addiction, and more.

You probably have a pretty good idea of what’s behind your challenges—from viruses and bacteria, to brain chemistry and the microbiome, to emotional trauma and straight up injury.

While these factors are important to understand and work with, from a shamanic perspective they paint an incomplete picture.

Shamanism holds that everything originates in the unseen world before it manifests physically—and that includes illness and disease. By tending to the spiritual and energetic roots of illness in addition to whatever physical, mental, and emotional support is needed, we can heal more fully.

Causes of Illness from a Shamanic Perspective

On a basic level, shamanism views illness as an energetic imbalance of some sort—either something is there that shouldn’t be, or something should be there that isn’t.

That said, there are a few areas of imbalance that are helpful to understand:

Power Loss

In shamanic terminology, the idea of “power” could be likened to life force, vitality, or chi. The late shamanic teacher and physicist Claude Poncelet also defined it as “the ability to transform energy,” which makes sense—when you are fully empowered, you are more capable of creating the changes you want to see.

There are many reasons we lose our power—it seems to be part of the human condition. A few things that appear to be connected to power loss are: having our boundaries violated, sacrificing our own integrity to get certain needs met, internalizing limiting beliefs about ourselves, and anything that disconnects us from our true divine nature. In some traditions, there’s even the act of stealing power.

How do you know if you have power loss? This often shows up as a lack of vitality or zest for life. If you seem unable to make positive changes or take action on your dreams, power loss could be at play. Other common symptoms of power loss include chronic illness, depression, fatigue, low self-esteem, poor boundaries, suicidal feelings, or ongoing misfortunes.

Soul Loss

This might sound scary, but it’s actually very common from a shamanic perspective. Soul loss is when a part of your soul’s essence leaves, usually due to some sort of emotional or physical trauma. This can be from a sudden shock, such as a car accident, or an ongoing difficulty, such as an unhealthy relationship.

When part of your soul essence leaves, it does so to protect itself—soul loss is a survival mechanism. And not to worry, your soul essence is never fully gone and is usually comfortably waiting in the unseen world for an opportunity to return.

How do you know if you have soul loss? If you’ve ever experienced an injury or trauma and never quite felt the same again—even after your physical symptoms healed—there could be soul loss. Other symptoms include addiction, PTSD, depression, a weakened immune system, dissociation, grief, or, in extreme cases, coma.


Entanglement is often the result of power or soul loss. It occurs when we take on energy that isn’t our own—this may come in the form of intrusions, attachments, cords, or even possessions. I’ll go into more detail about what all these terms mean in future posts. For now, just know that this is all totally natural, even common, and very fixable with shamanic healing.

Symptoms of entanglement vary widely. You might have localized pain with an intrusion or enmeshed relationships that are sustained with energetic cords between you and another person.

Now, I know “possession” sounds intimidating, and it kind of is. Yet, in my own healing journey, working with possessions has been one of the most powerful practices I’ve experienced. Basically, some sort of spirit becomes enmeshed in your field with varying degrees of influence on your personality and life. It is an amazingly healing process to decouple from this outside influence and reclaim your sovereignty through shamanic healing.

Lineage Patterns

Much of what we experience has actually been passed down through our lineages. This is a complicated subject, but in short, I work with three main types of lineage healing:

·         Blood lines—this is the lineage held in your DNA, your genetic makeup

·         Milk lines—similar to blood lineages, milk lines incorporate other influential relationships, such as adoptive or step parents and important caretakers

·         Light lines—this is your own spiritual lineage, comprised of the many lives you’ve lived and all the vows, beliefs, influences, and experiences you carry from them

Shamanic work can help you uncover not only unhealthy patterns and curses, but also the hidden gifts within your lineages. It can also help you heal ancestral trauma in ways that serve generations to come.

Disconnection from the Natural World

For most of human history, our daily survival depended upon being in right relationship with the natural world. We recognized the spirit in birds and trees and rocks and rivers—in Mother Earth herself. We honored the sun, stars, and moon.

This need for intimacy with the natural world runs deep in our blood, yet we’ve largely forgotten how to nurture this relationship. As a result, we’re collectively becoming more and more out of balance with our environment.

The effects of this on our planet are clear—I won’t go into a laundry list of environmental destruction here. But what does this mean for us? What soul-level illness might be occurring because we’re missing out on some of the most important relationships in our lives?

Shamanism doesn’t ask that we all go live off the grid (and I’m in no hurry to give up my Netflix subscription!). But it does recognize that healing our relationship with nature is essential to the survival of our species and the planet. As above, so below; as within, so without.

Final Thoughts

So, are you worried you might have soul loss and intrusions and—gulp—even a possession?

I can’t emphasize enough how common and normal all of this is. Shamanic healing has been around for thousands of years, and as my own teachers say, it wouldn’t have lasted this long if it didn’t work. The reason we’re discussing these causes of illnesses is so that we can tend to them and heal.

Also, please note that this information is not intended to define or diagnose anything you’re experiencing. Your “symptoms” could be related to something that would completely surprise your human mind. And in truth, these areas overlap quite a bit (and since when has the spirit world been a fan of categories anyway?).

*Information from Juniper Stokes  https://resources.soundstrue.com/blog/5-types-of-imbalance-a-guide-to-illness-from-a-shamanic-perspective/

The Following Modality Descriptors - Resources are included because my 'Toolbox' of Skills also includes these Modalities & More...


Visceral Manipulation


How Does Visceral Manipulation Help You?


Visceral Manipulation is used to locate and solve problems throughout the body. It encourages your own natural mechanisms to improve the functioning of your organs, dissipate the negative effects of stress, enhance mobility of the musculoskeletal system through the connective tissue attachments, and influence general metabolism.




Lymphatic Drainage 



Lymphatic Drainage, as developed by Dr Bruno Chikly, is a type of gentle massage that is intended to encourage the natural drainage of the lymph, which carries waste products away from the tissues back toward the heart.




Self-Care Resources

5 Ways CranioSacral Therapy Helps to Alleviate Illness and Chronic Diseaseby Marian Roper BScN (Nursing), MCS (Master Communication Studies)

1.   CranioSacral therapy (CST) works by increasing the movement of cerebrospinal fluid (CSF). This clear liquid is a natural fluid that is found around the spine and brain dictating mechanical and immunological security inside of our skull to regulate blood flow. Blood flow removes pollutants and allows balanced circulation.

As we grow older, our bodies produce less CSF putting us at increased risk for aging and health complications. Upledger’s “Still Point Technique” counteracts these issues by eradicating toxins and improving brain function.

2.   CST lowers sympathetic tone (‘fright, fight, freeze’ response = increased cortisol levels), which rises too high in response to stress.

Lack of sleep and toxin build-up is just two of the side-effects that can come from high sympathetic tone. CST aids in reducing our sympathetic tone, encouraging the body to get a full night’s sleep while removing unwanted and unhealthy bacteria.

  1. 3.   CST reduces inflammation throughout the body and brain.

Inflammation of brain tissues contributes to Alzheimer’s and dementia and inflammation in body tissues leads to chronic diseases such as arthritis, fibromyalgia, pain, mobility issues plus much more. CST counteracts these issues. Stress, poor eating habits and other life factors can also increase inflammation in the body, including in the brain. CST can assist the immune system, reinforcing its defense systems and ultimately lowering inflammation.

  1. 4.   CST facilitates recovery from brain trauma and concussions, whiplash and other traumas that are stored and can affect all parts of the body.

There are startling similarities in brain scans of individuals with concussions and those diagnosed with Alzheimer’s. Concussions are commonly seen in professional NFL players. Ricky Williams, a well-known football athlete, has testified on the value of CST in his concussion treatment and recovery. As I saw these results, I thought to myself, If CST can work for a competitor in high-intensity sport settings; maybe CST would work for the 5.4 million patients currently diagnosed with Alzheimer’s.

  1. 5.   CST aids with overall memory and brain function improvements.

As people age, many have decreased abilities to retain memory and/or to recollect on specific information. CST helps in the overall movement of bodily fluid required for optimal brain function. Blood, CSF and interstitial fluid all support our brain’s ability to perform correctly. When these factors are lacking, the brain receives less oxygen, causing it to overexert and causing processes such as memory retention to decline.


Source: Michael Moore in https://www.psychologytoday.com/ca/blog/resolution-not-conflict/201606/clearing-the-fog-craniosacral-therapy-aims-ease-dementia

Self-Care Support Following Advanced CranioSacral Therapy Sessions

with Marian Roper BScN(Nursing), MCS(Master Communication Studies), AdvCST


What’s interesting and very exciting about my Advanced CranioSacral Therapy (CST) sessions, is that the goal of each session is to support your body to restore health. How this differs from therapeutic sessions in other modalities, is that, rather than focusing on an injury, or problem, a whole body approach is utilized. As well, restoration of your health is the goal. We want to do more than help you cope with the injury, or teach you to work with it.


What this means is that you could experience changes in areas of the body that were not touched by my hands, but are connected by fascial/connective tissue, and these changes could continue to occur over several days post-session. In short, your body is literally working with us, to “take-out”, or remove the trauma and injuries, be they physical, emotional, mental or spiritual.


The process can be likened to the removal of slivers; hence you may experience brief twinges of “old” pain and/or memories as they leave the body.


What to do to support your body as it integrates the changes? 

I always say “don’t go home and paint the barn” –

  • Try to be kind and gentle with yourself, for at least a few hours;
  • Expect the unexpectedbe curious, as the body makes it’s adjustments, see if you remember when you had that last twinge, or injury as it leaves the body – in a very brief snapshot of the past;
  • Nearly everyone tells me they feels relaxed, and “lighter” post session;
  • Some are tired, and some are energized – no 2 bodies are the same, and no 2 injuries occurred in the same manner….ever!


Formula for Supporting Health 

  • Toxins out: included in CST process to normalize the body;
  • Nutrients in: basic rule…remember the body stores what it doesn’t recognize…keep your life choices, be they food, air, thoughts, images simple, natural, and supportive of well-being;
  • Voltage (Electricity up) – as a rule of thumb, if cells are TOILing they are:
    • Toxic, Oxidized, Inflamed and Lacking in nutrients/energy. 

Seven Principles of Health 

  1. Fresh Air
  2. Water
  3. Sunshine
  4. Exercise
  5. Trust in Nature
  6. Relationships
  7. Passion 


Please feel free to call, or email me with your post-session questions and comments. I have many more ideas to rebuild health. After all, I have found my own health and well-being following devastating illnesses, and injuries. I really do know that the body can rebuild itself with the right support. I am here to support you.


Marian Roper BScN (Nursing), MCS (Master Communication Studies), AdvCST

Phone: 250-753-7211 or email: marianjroper@gmail.com