As my work evolves, I am finding that children from newborns through to teens actually respond really, really well to remote surrogate sessions for several reasons:
October, 2014
Mathew is good. Still somewhat himself with a little more patience I think I would say. He went to school today and did very well. His teacher commented on how much calmer he was. Sheesh would you believe he sat for a full hour. Each time we did that appointment last year he would freak out at least once. So that was very positive. I think he is, for sure, a little less edgy, His teacher did her assessment, and said he is reading at a grade 4 level, maybe higher, math at grade 3, and comprehension and writing at grade 2.
I don't think she had been able to properly evaluate him so far because he would have so many outbursts there. So thank you again Marian, these are very positive changes for both of us.
FB msg from Jamie M. re: 5 year old Matthew (Autistic child)
FB msg from Juliana re: her daughters Hannah, and Myra
Thanks for the post Marian J. Roper! It was great having you over today. The hands- on work you did with my kids was such a gift. Hannah says her shoulder has loosened up and Myra has been feeling all sorts of movement in her tummy! Both my daughters said " mom.. That was soo cool! Thank you!!
Juliana Herter Green
December 2018
From the Mom of a 3 year-old (Reid) that has cried and been in pain nightly (though appearing to be sleeping) – no answers from Western Medical help, to date…after an immensely important session releasing a Somato-Emotional memory he’d been holding in his body of a surgery he experienced under sedation…
Thank you Thank you Marian that was a real rebirth and clearing wow Reid slept so well last night no crying in pain I know he will be integrating all the work that happened over the next few weeks.
Warm regards Nicky
Update: January 2019
Mom reports that Reid is completely free from the night time pain experiences… and has been since the above session….
Remote Session results for Sam - 3 ½ yr old little boy –FB messenger chat from Mom the next day….November 16-2022
(during his session, I found his neck especially, to be extremely painful…his dural tube was restricted and tight… in Cranio terms ‘birth trauma’ that resulted in chronic, restricting issues that presented with a little boy who didn’t want to be touched)…
Okay, thanks Marian. He’s already pulled me in for 3 hugs and given me a kiss since waking. This has been an infrequent occurrence in recent weeks especially…
For more contexts, he often asks to not be touched/doesn’t want people in his space…
Thank you. He was in very good spirits this morning and seemed to manage his emotions better and very affectionate as I mentioned earlier
Thank you
…Seeing such results, I am so grateful I followed through with my hunch. It is beyond words to explain the joy and relief I feel seeing my boy so happy and loving
What a gift!